Author: Damocles

Damocles is a self-imposed web3 nomad with a background in journalism and education. Having served as a freelance writer for three years, he decided to focus on one area he loves: the blockchain industry. He enjoys the drama, controversies, and pleasant surprises of this growing arena, pumping him to write more daily. To this day, he still considers himself a newbie who is dead set on honing his skills and being more involved in web3 projects.

If you’re a website owner, Google allows you and your writers to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, in creating content for your platform. In fact, it even encourages you to leverage this technology to generate more valuable and user-friendly articles for your readers. It will not penalize you for utilizing an AI chatbot to generate your content, but it does enforce sanctions if this tech is employed in an unethical manner, like gaming the system to artificially climb up on rankings. Our focus on the quality of content, rather than how content is produced, is a useful guide that…

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Indulging in adult content is, without a doubt, a guilty pleasure. Nowadays, not-safe-for-work (NSFW) images, videos, and novels are now served on a silver platter, providing everyone with the convenience of satisfying their fantasies. And the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) provided the adult industry and millions of its enthusiasts with a giant and unprecedented leap in content creation. In our previous publication, we’ve already discussed the rise of adult AI generators which finally equipped consumers with the power to create their own X-rated content with ease. Moreover, you’re certainly aware of the explosion of AI adult writing platforms that…

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In our previous publication, we created an extensive compilation of cutting-edge NSFW AI art generators that gives you the power to create realistic X-rated images with ease. And in this article, we will take a deep dive into one AI adult image platform that’s getting a lot of attention lately with its realistic images and user-friendly features: SoulGen. This promising tool lets you create hyperrealistic and anime-style not-safe-for-work (NSFW) images from a single text prompt within seconds. Let’s take a look at its most outstanding features and how it can improve our image-generation skills. How to Use SoulGen AI SoulGen.AI…

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At last, AI tools are finally emerging that let you write erotic short stories, novels, and other literary pieces with few to zero limitations! For so long, individuals have been trying to leverage the power of AI-powered writing tools, like ChatGPT, to create not-safe-for-work (NSFW) stories to enhance their steamy hobbies. However, they have often encountered restrictions and warnings along the way. The strict banning of provocative commands has been a staple in mainstream AI generative platforms, which some individuals perceive as hindering users’ creativity rather than fostering it. And the possibility of creating the next 50 Shades of Grey…

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At last, the power to create explicit artwork using artificial intelligence (AI) is now in our hands, with advanced image models at our disposal. This new opportunity opens up doors for fresh commercial ventures or simply the delight of starting a new collection of hyperrealistic waifu characters. We can finally use not-safe-for-work (NSFW) text-to-image AI generators to create the most explicit and boldest photographs we could ever imagine that can finally breathe life into our fantasies. This newfound ability also serves as a revolution against the restrictions of mainstream AI art generators such as Midjourney and DALL-E in creating provocative…

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Generating NSFW images is rapidly becoming a hot trend in the adult industry, all ‘thanks’ to the increasing availability of powerful artificial intelligence (AI) platforms. But another trend that is quickly gaining traction is known as ‘AI undressing,’ which involves virtually removing clothing from photographs within minutes, producing remarkably realistic outcomes. Although there are currently no specific laws prohibiting the use of these tools, keep in mind that engaging in unethical practices with image generators can lead to severe criminal charges. These include defamation, invasion of privacy, harassment, and the distribution of explicit materials, to name a few. Therefore, responsible use is…

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Writers who should feel concerned about ChatGPT are those who populate the internet with subpar, recycled, and SEO-obsessed content. Because what they are doing can now be easily automated by the ubiquitous artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. But people like you who invest their time, energy, and dedication into producing thoughtfully curated content that fulfills readers’ needs shouldn’t tremble in the face of this tool. In fact, rather than harboring fear, you can leverage this AI tool to enhance and amplify the already commendable qualities you possess. You can bring out the power of ChatGPT’s writing assistance by creating and customizing…

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Over the past few months, an increasing number of AI platforms like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Character.AI, and Stable Diffusion have begun incorporating protective measures to filter out not-safe-for-work (NSFW) content. Though this policy was implemented with the intention of promoting safety, it has sparked a backlash from users who claim that it infringes upon their creative liberties. Collectively known as generative AI, these technologies represent a subset of artificial intelligence technology that is capable of fabricating a diverse array of content. This ranges from meticulously crafted text and visually stunning imagery to harmonious audio compositions and intricately generated synthetic data. The…

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‘Her,’ a 2013 sci-fi drama that delves into the romantic connection between a lonely writer and an operating system (OS), remains as one of my favorite films. As digital companions increasingly permeate our lives, the post-modern society portrayed in the film is steadily materializing. In addition to voice assistants, we now have interactive romantic chatbots powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and generative text platforms like ChatGPT that can respond in a remarkably intimate and human-like manner. Character.AI is a rising player in this growing field, providing a diverse range of personalized chatbots to its users. Despite its rapid growth, with…

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For many creatives, realizing a vision is hindered by the high cost of producing immersive and top-notch media. Before even before they can begin the creative process, one must invest in costly equipment, software applications, a production team, and other overhead. But, these dark times for creatives are set to change as the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize content creation. Users can leverage AI to produce high-quality videos, animations, and visual effects (VFX), by simply typing text-based instructions or prompts. This cutting-edge technology enables the creation of professional and realistic visuals that could literally shape the…

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