Author: Damocles

Damocles is a self-imposed web3 nomad with a background in journalism and education. Having served as a freelance writer for three years, he decided to focus on one area he loves: the blockchain industry. He enjoys the drama, controversies, and pleasant surprises of this growing arena, pumping him to write more daily. To this day, he still considers himself a newbie who is dead set on honing his skills and being more involved in web3 projects.

Not everybody’s a fan of the metaverse, we get it. That doesn’t change the fact that metaverse stocks are one of the most predicted high-growth assets of the century. Even bankers agree, with Goldman Sachs forecasting that around 15-33% of digital transactions will eventually switch to the metaverse. Citigroup also predicts that the combined market value of metaverses will reach up to $13 trillion by 2030. Not that investors need convincing. Big businesses are unfazed by skepticism and have already opened their billion-dollar war chests. Over $120 billion have been invested by global companies into digital universes (including metaverse stocks…

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