Author: Damocles

Damocles is a self-imposed web3 nomad with a background in journalism and education. Having served as a freelance writer for three years, he decided to focus on one area he loves: the blockchain industry. He enjoys the drama, controversies, and pleasant surprises of this growing arena, pumping him to write more daily. To this day, he still considers himself a newbie who is dead set on honing his skills and being more involved in web3 projects.

GPT-4, the latest AI upgrade, has just been released. Is the world ready to bow down to ChatGPT’s all-powerful text-generation abilities?  In most cases, text generated by ChatGPT can be detected by those familiar with the language patterns and quirks commonly associated with AI-generated content. These might include long-winded sentences, generic word choice or phrasing, occasional lack of coherence, or inconsistencies within the text. While advanced models like GPT-4 are designed to better mimic humans than previous iterations, they may still have identifiable characteristics that set them apart from human-made writeups. Additionally, there are tools and algorithms designed specifically to…

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First, it was AI writing tools like Jarvis, then came the user-friendly LLM chatbot: ChatGPT, which brought AI-generated content to the mainstream. With AI-powered content now a ubiquitous presence across industries, it’s easier than ever to produce high-volume written works in a fraction of the original time frame. AI content in and of itself isn’t bad, nor is it against Google’s policies for web publishers, but with newfound accessibility comes the potential for low-quality content and oversaturation. To address this issue, multiple entities have developed AI text detectors to help curb the misuse of AI text generators, such as the…

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OpenAI effectively opened Pandora’s box when it released ChatGPT into the wild, allowing anyone with an internet connection to access its vast knowledge and capabilities. But it also sparked a thirst for a more powerful artificial intelligence (AI), with some individuals clamoring for the next version of the chatbot. And finally, GPT-4, which stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 4, has been launched on March 14, 2023, marking a significant milestone as the next stage of GPT’s evolution. GPT-4 is a powerful large language model created by OpenAI that supports both text and image user inputs and responds with text outputs.…

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Art and technology are like two lovebirds, but with technology always evolving, it’s a love-hate relationship. From the earliest cave paintings (which were essentially just prehistoric Instagram posts) to the Renaissance masterpieces (the Renaissance version of taking a photograph) to computer-generated images, art has always been a reflection of our values, beliefs, and aspirations. Just like how girls aspire to have more likes on their latest selfies and guys to get more girls. All jokes aside, the art world is undergoing a major shift with the rise of technologies that enable the mass production of artworks. Two of the hottest…

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Have you ever wanted to create a talking avatar for your YouTube channel without hiring an actor or setting up a studio? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to prank your friends by altering your voice into something completely unrecognizable? Well, thanks to the power of AI voice generators, you can do all this and more with just a few clicks of a button! In this article, we’ll explore the top five AI voice generators in the market today, highlighting their features and capabilities, and helping you find the perfect voice for your needs. So, let’s dive in and discover the…

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Google’s Bard had a big ‘‘bard’ start, which led to a $100 billion loss to the company. And that’s all because of one mistake. But Bing might soon fall into a bigger fiasco with the recent glitches and terrible mistakes happening in its platform. Users are enraged, and Microsoft is going all out for damage control. Let’s take a look at these floods of errors and why we should manage our expectations on the new Bing chatbot. Users Post Bing’s Errors – And Depressive Moments When Microsoft finally announced ChatGPT’s integration with Bing, everyone was thrilled with the possibilities it…

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Where do you think this 19-year-old teen spent his Valentine’s Day? Dining and sightseeing? That could be a waste of time. Instead, he preferred to be in his lab to make the final touches on a world-changing AI project.  A breakthrough project that could soon change the entire medical industry. Not your typical teen, indeed. Whiz Teen at the Helm of MedARC Tanishq Mathew Abraham is a 19-year-old, 5th-year Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. candidate from the University of California, Davis. This brilliant teen recently launched an AI-powered healthcare system called Medical AI Research Center (MedARC).  It is an initiative for open…

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Can someone ever unseat NVIDIA in its silicone-based GPU throne? Even giants such as Intel and AMD have struggled to do this for years. But what if the greatest threat to its supremacy lies not with the big players but with a humble (and virtually unknown) AI start-up? Could this be a tale of ‘David and Goliath’ retold all over again? Will a challenger once again sling a Giant with a smooth small stone in its forehead? Yup. We’re getting too dramatic (and climactic) here. Let’s get to the hottest chip story. ‘Rebellions Inc’ Chip Maker: Ready to Rebel Against…

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Would anyone really pay you just to surf the web? Well, Bing lets you do that with ease. And apart from Microsoft’s ChatGPT integration, this could be another perfect excuse to use the browser. In this article, we will explore how you can earn points fast and what rewards you can get just by using the OS giant’s services. This could also be the perfect time to decide whether to finally leave your beloved Google Chrome 一 or not. Let’s dive in. Earn Points with Bing Rewards To start accumulating rewards, you have to sign-up for the program by clicking…

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OpenAI did the unthinkable: It finally convinced people to use the Bing search engine. For years, this platform has always played a far far second position, with Google owning more than 80% of the entire market. But today, Bing is making a big bang with its new-found resurgence, which, incidentally, coincides with Google’s $100 billion blunder. The tables are turning, and it’s getting interesting. Let’s look at the unfolding Bing story and what more it could offer in the future. Bing is App Store’s Newest Celebrity Since Microsoft announced its ChatGPT-powered products two days ago, Bing search engine blasted at…

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