Author: Damocles

Damocles is a self-imposed web3 nomad with a background in journalism and education. Having served as a freelance writer for three years, he decided to focus on one area he loves: the blockchain industry. He enjoys the drama, controversies, and pleasant surprises of this growing arena, pumping him to write more daily. To this day, he still considers himself a newbie who is dead set on honing his skills and being more involved in web3 projects.

Apple may earn its next $25 billion, even without trying. And despite Microsoft and Google’s rush to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, Apple may have no immediate reasons to join the fray. The iPhone maker, and currently the world’s 7th largest company, could be in the perfect position to profit from the ongoing AI war. All without competing with anyone. Here’s how. Google and Microsoft Could Compete for Apple Soon Google reportedly pays Apple $15 billion yearly to remain as a default search engine for billions of iOS devices. And soon, Microsoft could challenge this position and offer a higher…

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When was the last time you became excited about Microsoft? It’s been ages, don’t you think? But today, the tech giant is creating a lot of buzz again with the fusion of ChatGPT with its two search products: Bing and Edge. It’s quite thrilling to witness this unprecedented event, which could change search forever. But how, exactly? Let’s take a dive. ChatGPT Now Powers Bing Search Engine In a press event held in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft announced the rollout of the ‘new and improved’ Bing, powered by GPT-4. GPT technology is the same tech that powers ChatGPT. Since the company’s…

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The reign of ChatGPT in the artificial intelligence (AI) arena may soon be disputed, as a new challenger emerges on the horizon. Anthropic, an innovative AI startup, has created a promising smart chatbot named Claude, which aims to offer a safer platform for users.  As the competition heats up in the AI sector, Anthropic is preparing to make a significant impact. And this time, it might be OpenAI’s turn to push the Code Red button.  Anthropic: OpenAI’s Hot New Rival Anthropic is a San Francisco-based startup founded by veterans of OpenAI, the creator of the celebrity chatbot ChatGPT. According to The…

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For years, Google’s search engine reigned supreme, and the way we people have sought answers to the most interesting questions on the web has mostly stayed the same. However, with the advent of ChatGPT, the game has been redefined. This AI chatbot revolutionized our search by generating quick and human-like answers to simple questions. In fact, we don’t even have to click any links anymore! Check out: ChatGPT vs Google Search But, as it turns out, ChatGPT has serious flaws. Users soon discovered that it tends to produce what some call “fluent bullshit,” information that appears credible but isn’t factual.…

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ChatGPT continues to make headlines daily, highlighting its vast capabilities and potential for AI. Despite its impressive abilities, we have only scratched the surface of what AI can achieve. In this article, we will look at ChatGPT’s newest role in society and how AIs could evolve in the future, a critical fate that depends entirely on humans’ hands.  ChatGPT, You’re Hired! The media industry is on the cusp of a technological revolution with the integration of AI in the workplace. In a recent move, BuzzFeed, the American news and media company, announced that ChatGPT would become its newest “employee” to…

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Even the pulpits weren’t spared from the tidal waves of ChatGPT, one of today’s most advanced artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots. And with its ever-increasing popularity, religious leaders worldwide are turning to this smart tool to enhance their churches and congregations. While their Gods are yet to make a word for their new-found reliance, the potential benefits of this technology for one’s faith life might be hard to deny. In this piece, we will delve into how religion is embracing the power of AI and the vast opportunities it presents. New York Rabbi Tests AI’s “Faithfulness”  Josh Franklin, a New York…

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The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has unleashed a torrent of possibilities for cutting-edge technology. These powerful computer programs, capable of processing vast amounts of human language data, have paved the way for revolutionary tools like advanced chatbots and voice-controlled devices. Perhaps the most striking example of this technology in action is ChatGPT, one of today’s hottest internet sensations as of late. ChatGPT is an AI platform that represents the forefront of what we can achieve when we infuse natural language with AI. But as humans continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, we are also turning our…

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After Google was forced to slam the “code red” button due to ChatGPT’s growing threat, various industries have also felt the heat caused by this artificial intelligence (AI) powered chatbot. The education industry, in particular, was one of the most concerned sectors of all, as the chatbot has already found its way inside the classrooms, opening new avenues for all sorts of cheating. But soon, even prestigious universities may be compelled to sound their alarm as the tool recently flexed one of its newest and most stunning abilities: acing a high-level exam! The AI Chatbot that Can Pass an MBA…

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From crafting malware to plundering sensitive information and providing instructions on thievery and car theft, a growing number of users are discovering new ways to jailbreak ChatGPT. As the number of ways to bypass its safeguards increases, one cannot help but wonder: will ChatGPT, once known to have been programmed to reflect the values of society, eventually become the ultimate archvillain of our times? Hackers are exploiting this intelligent chatbot, anticipating the potential consequences of these actions. OpenAI is very well aware of this growing problem. ChatGPT: A New Accomplice for Evil? Shortly after its release last November 2022, reports…

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A reporter asked a robot why is sex like Math, to which it responded: Well, you add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope there’s no multiplying.” Harmony, an AI sex robot Traditional sexy dolls and “escorts” may soon face fierce competition with the rise of AI sex robots, a new breed of humanoid tools to satisfy our need for intimacy and pleasure. These sexbots are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and telling jokes such as the one above is just a glimpse of their ever-increasing intelligence and intimate abilities. In this article, we will explore one of today’s most…

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