Author: Damocles

Damocles is a self-imposed web3 nomad with a background in journalism and education. Having served as a freelance writer for three years, he decided to focus on one area he loves: the blockchain industry. He enjoys the drama, controversies, and pleasant surprises of this growing arena, pumping him to write more daily. To this day, he still considers himself a newbie who is dead set on honing his skills and being more involved in web3 projects.

Sudoswap is a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace and automated market maker (AMM), allowing collectors to trade NFTs with better liquidity and create liquidity pools for their digital assets. People use Sudoswap for two primary reasons: as a way to liquidate their NFTs instantly or as a place to launch NFT liquidity pools to earn passive income. A liquidity pool is a smart contract that equips traders with the ability to swap between digital asset pairs instantly, in this case: an NFT and $ETH. What is an AMM? An automated market maker (AMM) is an algorithm-based protocol used by decentralized exchanges…

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It is rare for non-fungible (NFT) projects to create breakthrough ‘firsts’ on their respective blockchains, as it takes a lot of guts and technical expertise to test the untested and come out victorious. Fortunately, SpaceBudz had it all, allowing it to launch pioneering achievements in the Cardano blockchain. These achievements allowed the project to carve a special place, not only within the network but also in the entire NFT industry. What is SpaceBudz? SpaceBudz is Cardano’s first algorithmically-generated collection that consists of 10,000 NFTs. The artwork boasts hand-drawn adorable animals in space suits. Note that it is not the first…

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Halloween may be long over, but one project remains pumped up in rolling out a spooky-themed collection with promising gaming plans at its back. With eye-candy art, a robust roadmap, an expert team, and key partnerships already in place, this zombie-filled collection may not only rise from the dead but also rise as one of the best projects in the Aptos ecosystem. Let’s take a look at what this upcoming collection has in store for us. What is Aptos Undead? Aptos Undead is a non-fungible (NFT) collection of 4,444 3D zombies on the Aptos blockchain. It will be minted on…

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In a time where greed, betrayal, and distrust are swirling over the web3 atmosphere, one upcoming collection attempts to be a fresh breath of air and a source of hope for blockchain believers.  Through this project, the team aims to show that sincere generosity will always have a place in the space by willingly giving its royalties to lucky holders, every month, forever. Hopefully, this generosity may turn out contagious and inspire current and future projects to follow this much-needed path to goodness.  What is Tigers Aptos Club? Tigers Aptos Club is a free-mint non-fungible token (NFT) collection of 1,111…

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The Ape Society (TAS) is a collection of 7,000 algorithmically-generated NFT apes swinging on the Cardano blockchain. TAS diverges from the usual cartoony or full-3D art we usually see in the space, showcasing visuals of photorealistic apes that look like oil paintings. Moreover, it is one of the largest community-based decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) in Cardano, giving it a prominent influence over the ecosystem. By purchasing one of these apes, holders will have direct access to the project’s DAO, and participate in its decision-making. Moreover, they will become an automatic member of one of Ape Society’s 35 families, each with…

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Can you really experience the metaverse without having to purchase those shiny and ultra-expensive VR headsets? The answer would be a short, sweet Yes. Portals, Solana’s first major open builder metaverse project, aims to democratize the metaverse by lowering the entry barrier and allowing anyone to access its immersive world through a web browser. It’s a literal ‘portal’ to a new experience, teeming with potential, with a rising user base and brands jumping inside its city. If this sounds interesting, come and let’s explore this promising virtual world. What is Portals Metaverse? Portals is a browser-based metaverse where virtual users,…

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After several months of dealing with the existential threat of zero royalties, NFT artists can finally fight back thanks to Metaplex’s two new asset classes that will enable the enforcement of royalties on-chain. The solution was first rolled out on November 6, 2022, starting with Y00ts. The main goal is to equip NFT artists with the power to enforce royalties for every transfer. But what if a user simply wants to transfer their NFT to their other wallets? The new iteration also has an ‘Identity’ feature, which aims to link a collector’s different wallets from each other in order to…

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Bruh Bears is one of the newest pixel art pfp projects in the non-fungible token (NFT) space. It is a collection that consists of an undisclosed number of aesthetically-pleasing bears that will lead the way for a new ecosystem to thrive. And what’s even more exciting is that it will launch on a fairly new (and promising) blockchain called Aptos. Why Everybody is Trying to Get a Bruhlist Despite not being the first to launch on Aptos, Bruh Bears positions itself as a movement rather than a money-making opportunity that a lot of collections love to pitch. And that speaks…

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There is no best Solana wallet, per se, but for most users, the best type of wallet should be secure, user-friendly, and functional for all manner of transactions across the network. The closes thing to perfection right now is a Ledger hardware wallet combined with a software wallet like Phantom. But there is a catch. Hardware wallets are far more secure than software ones, but their functionalities are also not as flexible. You’ll find that the security bonus comes at the cost of having extra steps required to do certain tasks software wallets can do seamlessly. More importantly, cold wallets…

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The Solana space has seen countless different animal pfps, from apes, to bears, to bulls, to cats, you name it. But there haven’t been a lot of vampire-themed collections, as hard as it is to believe. SoDead took advantage of that, and so far, it has paid off. Interestingly, SoDead started out as a degen mint at a price of 0.069 SOL. And the team admits that it went through some hard times before getting the attention it now commands. And true enough, if you look at the NFT’s floor price chart, it appears that the project didn’t really do…

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