Author: Precious Ogar

Precious is an experienced content writer with a passion for technology and innovation. For the past four years, she has been honing her skills as a writer, creating engaging content that informs and inspires her readers. Her love for technology and its ability to transform lives has led her to focus her writing on topics related to the tech industry, from emerging trends to cutting-edge innovations. When she's not writing, you can find her in the kitchen trying out a new recipe or on the couch, glued to the latest Netflix rom-com.

The gig economy and the concept of side hustles have become the hip new trend in today’s bustling digital landscape. With the increasing accessibility of the internet and the rise of artificial intelligence, people are finding new and innovative ways to generate additional income outside of their regular jobs. A tool that has captured the attention of aspiring entrepreneurs is ChatGPT , a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT can be your reliable side hustle advisor, but it is important to exercise caution while using its recommendations. While the AI chatbot can be an incredibly helpful resource and provide valuable…

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Job interviews can be a nerve-wracking experience, turning even the most confident individuals into bundles of jitters and second-guessing. In the cutthroat world of recruitment, where every answer can make or break your chances, it is important to take all the help you can get. Forget about lucky socks or crystals, meet ChatGPT! ChatGPT is an invaluable tool that can significantly increase your chances of passing a job interview. Acing an interview requires tons of research and ChatGPT can provide users with expert guidance, personalized interview tips, and a simulated interview experience. It can help applicants refine their answers, tackle…

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The world of comics has always been a vibrant playground of creativity, where artists with vivid imaginations breathe life into captivating stories. With the meddling of cutting-edge AI technology in the creative space, artists and creators are now exploring new avenues to push the boundaries of their craft. This begs the question of whether AI-generated images can truly find a place within the orthodox world of comics. AI-generated images can be used for comics, but according to the U.S. Copyright Office, art created purely with the use of AI is not eligible for copyright. Although artists can lay a copyright…

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AI is all the rave right now, and deepfakes have taken center stage in the circus of technological marvels. In today’s increasingly digital world, where information can spread like wildfire, the rise of deepfake content has sparked a pressing need for regulation for so many viable reasons. Deepfake’s creations have emerged as a potent tool capable of manipulating public perception, violating privacy, defrauding individuals, and generally reducing public trust in the media. As the boundaries between reality and fabrication become increasingly thin, it becomes imperative to explore the reasons why deepfake should be regulated. In this post, we delve into…

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In a world where reality can sometimes feel stranger than fiction, there’s a new technological twist on the horizon, drum roll…. deep fakes! Picture this, an AI-powered algorithm that can seamlessly transplant your face onto a dancing penguin or make you deliver Shakespearean poems in fluent dolphin. Sounds amusing, right? Well, deepfakes are not all fun and games because they pose significant dangers in our society by eroding trust and credibility. With the ability to create convincing videos that appear entirely real, these AI-generated media can also be used to spread misinformation, fraud, damage reputations, and incite violence. While deepfakes…

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Gone are the days when having a digital doppelganger was only possible in sci-fi movies. Today you can create a digital clone that talks and looks just like you. Deepfake videos, the lovechild of cutting-edge AI and Hollywood wizardry, have taken the art of manipulation to a whole new level, leaving us both mesmerized and slightly unsettled. So, how exactly can you create one? Creating deepfake videos requires a large dataset of the target person, training a deep learning algorithm, and synthesizing new images or video frames by blending the target’s face with another person’s body or context. Despite the…

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Let’s face it, we’ve all been tricked by a fake video at least once in our lives. On the internet where cats play pianos, it can be hard to tell what’s real and what’s not. But these days, the stakes are even higher. With the advent of deepfakes, the line between fact and fiction is getting blurrier by the day. That’s why it’s more important now than ever to learn how to detect deepfakes. Deepfake media can be detected through manual analysis for inconsistencies like unnatural facial movements or mismatched audio. The process can also be automated by relying on…

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Deepfake technology has been making waves in recent years, thanks to its astounding ability to conjure up a digital alternate reality. However, along with the possibilities of deepfakes for entertainment and satire come some serious concerns, the potential use for impersonation (and not the flattering kind). Now, we don’t want to be alarmists. The generation of Deepfake media in itself is not considered identity theft. However, the use of deepfake with malicious intent for impersonation, especially to commit fraud can be classified as identity theft. While deepfake technology can be used for harmless fun like swapping faces with your best…

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Deepfake technology has gotten a bit of a bad rap since its inception. The term “Deepfake” has often been associated with deception and malicious intent. However, beyond its negative connotations, deepfake has also proven to have positive use cases in various industries. Deepfake technology is used for a variety of applications, such as helping doctors detect diseases, enabling interactive education, and optimizing the media industry. While deepfake is still a relatively new technology, its potential for good is becoming clear. In this article, we’ll take a deeper dive into the brighter side of deepfake tech, debunking myths and exploring various…

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