Author: Stark

Stark is a crypto and NFT writer, hobbyist photographer, and dedicated web3 learner. She is currently on a mission to help Metaroids rise. When she isn't, she's either sleeping or sipping coffee. What else would an introvert do besides enjoying "me" time?

Joshua Browder, DoNotPay’s CEO and Founder, came across an unexpected turn of events that led him to postpone his plans of bringing history’s first AI lawyer into a municipal court. The decision comes after the company received threats from the State Bar prosecutors who warned that he’d face dire consequences upon proceeding with the experiment. Although one of the most-awaited events in law history had to be scrapped for now, Browder and his company are hell-bent on continuing what they’ve started. The Consequence of Bringing an AI to Court The AI lawyer has caused quite a stir in the legal community, and…

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Anand Mahindra, the billionaire Chairman of Mahindra Group, is an active social media user. He shares various content, from motivational and funny posts to tech updates, reaching out to over 10 million followers. But one Saturday, his tweet sparked alarm after sharing an AI-generated deepfake clip. Deepfake videos use AI to generate a digital face that resembles or looks closely similar to a person of interest. Although clips are the most common form, users can also apply deepfake technology to photos and sound recordings. One of its examples is Jukebox of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, which produces a similar…

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On February 22, 2023, at 1:30 PM, DoNotPay AI will make history by participating in a Municipal Court to help a defendant fight a speeding case. Founder and CEO Joshua Browder announced on Twitter, sparking excitement and anticipation for the groundbreaking event. Some believe that the AI application can be a huge step forward in the legal system and its possibilities for justice and equality. But others can’t figure out how this will play out, considering that the process may have compatibility issues with the traditional legal system. The Unusual Court Setup Browder is taking his technology to the next…

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ChatGPT’s capabilities are nothing short of exceptional, transforming the landscape of productivity and efficiency for its users. As the world marveled at its game-changing potential, some quickly adopted and integrated this innovative technology into their daily lives. However, academia isn’t as excited as everyone else, as they had concerns about the possibility of plagiarism and cheating. The idea of students outsourcing their schoolwork to the chatbot was a cause for alarm among educators, who were understandably hesitant to embrace the AI fully. One of the viral social media posts was about Darren Hudson Hick, a Visiting Assistant Professor at Furman…

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The debate on using AI-powered art is like a burning fire that continues to grow among the divided community. Some argue that using AI to create art doesn’t share the same level of skill, creativity, and human touch as traditional methods. In contrast, others see it as a new frontier that can push the boundaries of what is possible and create something unique. One of the issues that sparked the debate was when Jason M. Allen, the founder of Incarnate Games, won first place at the Colorado State Fair with his piece entitled “Space Opera Theater,” created using the AI…

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A simple discovery from a Twitter user has recently sparked a divided sentiment among industry experts and enthusiasts. It all started with a click of a button from Tony Hill, a full-time owner of a niche site, who shared the names of big brands that used artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool in generating content.  Although some were looking forward to the changes that may happen, others weren’t ready to embrace what was coming. At the same time, the post reignited familiar questions about using AI in content creation, bringing the debate and confusion back to the forefront. But Google…

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Are you ready to take a leap into the unknown and experience the ultimate in creative expression? Look no further than Midjourney, the revolutionary research lab that’s shattering the limitations of human creativity and imagination with its awe-inspiring AI technology. Dubbed with the same name as the lab, Midjourney has been a game-changer since its launch, continuously bringing the most fantastical ideas to life. Simply give it an instruction, and watch it generate visually stunning images that capture the essence of your ideas. You can even use it in almost anything, including designing user interfaces (UI), like what Chris Lüders,…

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Reddit Moons are blockchain-based community points exclusive to the r/CryptoCurrency subreddit. This cryptocurrency rewards Redditors based on their community contributions, such as creating content and commenting on posts. Redditors can earn Moons in different ways, one of which is through distribution every 28 days. But each gets varying amounts depending on different factors: upvotes, karma with modifiers, and contribution score. Let’s determine how they work together. Note that Moons are live on Arbitrum Nova, a new blockchain scaling solution geared towards gaming and social applications and secured by the Ethereum network. The platform has upvote (approval/support) and downvote (disapproval) concepts,…

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Get ready to be amazed by ChatGPT, the revolutionary AI that’s taken the world by storm! In just a week since launch, it garnered a record-breaking million engagements and captured the hearts of many. And with good reason—ChatGPT can do everything, from telling hilarious stories to translating texts to making spreadsheets a breeze. But ChatGPT’s capabilities don’t stop there – this smart chatbot has endless potential to benefit various industries. And the best part? We’re only just getting started. So why settle for being a ChatGPT beginner when you can dominate the game? That’s where Rob Lennon, a Solopreneur Coach…

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Language diversity is a beautiful aspect of humanity, as it reflects the wide range of cultures and experiences that make up the world. But let’s be real. It also becomes a barrier at some point, especially when speaking to someone with a different tongue. But thanks to machine translators, language barrier is no longer that big of an issue. You can instantly understand messages, express ideas effectively, and build relationships with other cultures. Perhaps some of the translation platforms you probably have encountered include Google Translate, DeepL, and today’s rising AI called ChatGPT. Let’s put the three to the test…

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