Author: Guest Writer

Deep fakes have taken the online world by storm. Whether you are changing a movie’s actor for your favorite superstar or even placing yourself in a scene of your favorite TV show, deep fakes allow you to create unique content that will certainly entertain your family and friends. And the best thing is that, despite what you might think, creating a deep fake video is as easy as clicking a few buttons. But how exactly do you create a deep fake, and which deep fake online app should you use? In this article, we will go over the best deep…

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Crypto trading is one of the most popular ways to make money, but it can also be one of the most difficult. Picking the right coins to invest in, setting up a trading bot, and keeping track of everything can take hours out of your day. However, there are ways you can use artificial intelligence (AI) to simplify this process and maximize profits without having to spend all day staring at charts. Building an AI crypto trading bot isn’t easy—you have to have some coding skills and a deep understanding of machine learning techniques—but if you’re ready for a challenge…

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In recent times, the crypto market has seen an influx of AI projects, some of which have boasted incredible gains. However, not everything is as it seems. I am Garry Walker, Co-founder of TAGDesk a web3 and gaming news platform.  Whilst we are very enthusiastic about Crypto and AI we are also aware of false hype, industry flaws, and general scams. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the various aspects of AI crypto projects, including scams, projects that aren’t really AI, and the fundamental disconnect between AI and blockchain technology. We’ll also explore strategies for investing in these projects and…

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Are you looking to produce amazing AI-based images? Have you seen the fantastic quality of some of the work produced and want to be able to recreate it yourself? Have you recently started playing with AI image creation software and are not getting the results you wanted? If so, you’re in the right place. My name is Garry Walker and I am the creator of My AI artwork has been liked and shared over a million times on social media. Here I will discuss the techniques I have used to produce, promote, and share my works, so you could…

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If you have been following the cryptocurrency industry for some time, you are probably familiar with the term “decentralized finance,” sometimes known as “DeFi.” Since it is a brand-new area of finance, it was a popular topic all through the summer of 2020 and continues to be so even now. The blockchain industry has recently invented the term “DeFi 2.0” to refer to a subset of DeFi protocols established on top of initial DeFi development company concepts such as yield farming, lending, and other related activity.  On-chain systems that use native tokens are prone to liquidity issues, and substantial DeFi…

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We all know – or think we know – that a non-fungible token (NFT) represents an indivisible and programmable piece of digital property. Over the past few years, the NFT market has progressed from zero to a 40 billion-dollar-a-year industry. While it is clear that NFTs will likely revolutionize all manner of contracts by enabling digital and real-world assets to be associated with blockchain transactions, the current trend in the NFT space today revolves around buying and selling digital artworks and collectibles. Not even crypto winter has curbed the appetites of collectors and enthusiasts, as 30-day secondary sales still hit…

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